Training and e-learning made easy with Academy
Academy is the platform that brings communication, knowledge sharing and skills development together in one place. Raise the bar with an advanced and easy-to-use LMS, based on leading learning theories.

E-learning ensures well-trained, motivated and confident employees who boost the bottom line
E-learning is the generic term for skills development that occurs partially or entirely online. In a busy world, finding time for training and education is a challenge for many companies. That’s why Academy includes an e-learning module, so you can make the most of your time and achieve greater flexibility by allowing your employees to train anywhere, anytime.
Product knowledge
Product launch
Sales training
Skills development
System training
On-site procedures
Management training
Meet employees on their home turf
It’s rare nowadays to not be on our phones if we have a spare moment. With Academy, you can take advantage of this. The platform and its learning module can be accessed from any device. This way, you can leave it up to the employees themselves when they have the time and peace to focus on learning.
A confident start is important for new employees, and a bad first impression can be hard to move on from. With Academy, new employees are automatically connected to training programmes as soon as they sign up to the platform. From there, the system keeps an eye on them, with notifications and reminders to ensure every employee gets off to a flying start.
Motivate and engage employees with relevant learning
We believe learning and acquiring new knowledge should be fun. This philosophy also prevails on Academy.
That’s why the platform is packed with gamification elements, where employees earn points, receive digital trophies and can compete against other users. Training sessions are built around blended learning principles, alternating between on-site activities and digital content consisting of text, images, video, quizzes and more. The use of gamified elements in learning helps to keep employees motivated in the long run, creating increased engagement.
With the ability to combine learning materials however you like, Academy houses a myriad of opportunities. You can control and prioritise what training is most important for specific employee groups, as well as decide when it needs to be completed. You can create your own modules and combine these into an overall competence programme. On Academy, we call this a Skill Tree.
Differentiated learning opportunities
We all learn differently. Depending on the task at hand, you may need in-depth texts to cover a subject – or a quick video guide to show-and-tell. On Academy, you can store knowledge in many formats. The training materials in your course are available even after the course is completed. Academy thereby functions as an encyclopaedic resource and knowledge bank that can be revisited at any time.
One of Academy’s strongest features is that the platform motivates staff to repeat knowledge and training. This ensures that knowledge is maintained – even after a training session has ended. Academy collects information on each employee’s training profile, assessing when an employee is at risk of forgetting important knowledge.
Automated reminders and features like ‘The Question of the Day’ (a question presented to the employee daily, selected from the employee’s completed training) serve to boost repetition. Indeed, repetition is key to moving acquired knowledge from short-term to long-term memory – so that, over time, knowledge is known by heart.
Learn more about how we work with knowledge retention through repetition.
Performance management made easy
When you have many employees participating in learning programmes, providing feedback and support is essential to ensure everyone reaches their goals. That’s why we’ve made performance management easy with Academy. As a manager or team leader, you get detailed data directly on the platform and can track your employees’ development and performance. That way, you can take action exactly where it’s needed most.
We also know that time for administrative duties is often scarce. So, we’ve taken this into account. Academy makes it possible to create automatic invitations, so that entire departments or specific job roles can be invited to participate in a training module. This ensures that employees are engaged in courses relevant to their work. You can of course add and remove employees from learning sessions manually, should the need arise.
Let employees rise to the task
We believe it’s important to praise when praise is well-deserved. That’s why Academy allows you to award digital rewards at the end of training sessions. These will appear on the employee’s profile, so they can look back on what they’ve achieved at any time. This creates motivation and positive recognition from colleagues.
In addition to the mandatory training sessions, Academy allows you to visualise career paths and make voluntary content available to particularly ambitious employees. Maybe you have employees who have a leadership spark in their belly that you didn’t know about?
With open training sessions, you can accomodate employees who are seeking more challenges with specialised skills training. Your employees can sign up for the open sessions themselves, after which their manager must approve their participation.
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How to get started
Want to boost training, elevate your internal communications and let your employees share their expertise? Then Academy is for you. Here’s our recipe for success:
- Appoint a dedicated project manager
It’s no secret: New systems require resources to start up. So find a passionate member of your organisation to lead – someone who has both the overview and the expertise to get things done.
- Think ‘why’ and we’ll handle the ‘how’
We’re systems experts and know all of Academy’s tricks. But you know your organisation’s needs and challenges. You’ll get the best results when Academy is a digital reflection of your organisation.
- Be patient – and brave
Change takes time. Be prepared that it may take some time for all employees to get fully on board with your new platform. Don’t be afraid to help them on their way, for example by shutting down old, fragmented communication channels.