Get the most out of Academy’s user data and HR tools

Using data as a guide, you can optimise your resources and ensure that all employees are on board in a short space of time. Whether the goal is increased sales, delivery of critical information or happy and confident employees.

Brugerdata og HR redskaber
Our data philosophy

More than data points in a spreadsheet

In a business spanning multiple locations, keeping track of day-to-day activities for your many employees can be next to impossible without a helping hand. Much of that help comes from dedicated and skilled local managers and team leaders, but with Academy we make it even easier by serving up a set of measurable metrics on a silver platter. 

At A Close Shave, we love data. That’s why we use Academy as a tool for measuring and monitoring. However, we also know that data should rarely stand alone. Behind every statistic on the system, we find people: all your lovely employees.

Our dashboards serve as a guide to evaluate efforts, document implementation of core materials and identify areas to be developed at the individual, departmental and organisational level. In this way, you can target your efforts based on quantitative analysis, ensuring the very best results.

What do we track?

Reading statistics
Completion statistics
Certification scores

Time spent online
Login streaks
Points earned

Engagement score
Users’ digital trophies
Daily comments

Insights and overview

Employee activity at the heart of it all

On Academy, we provide real-time insight into employee activity. The platform becomes a digital workplace buzzing with activity; where employees share tips and tricks in the forum and management can hold Town Hall meetings through Academy’s video integration or as a news post. The activity feed is updated with live data of new content and your colleagues’ actions. 

With so many employees on one platform, it’s critical to provide each individual with a unique and relevant interface so they don’t have to spend time and energy sorting through an overwhelming stream of information. 

When an employee logs in, they can easily see their unread content, ongoing training, most recent relevant posts, and their personal stats such as login streak and engagement score. This helps to ensure that every employee gets off to a good start every time they visit Academy.

Make going to work fun

At A Close Shave, we know that gamification helps to increase employee motivation and make Academy the go-to platform for your organisation. That’s why a number of automated rewards are linked to employee journeys – such as a badge for Top Scorer of the Week.

Although points don’t usually convert to anything in the real world, we’ve worked with our clients to find a number of creative ways to use data to trigger rewards and prestige in the physical workplace. One way we do this is through onboarding and sales competitions.

And it’s no wonder this leads to success, when data shows we can predict which departments perform best with up to 93% accuracy, by using the employee engagement scores on Academy.

Learn more about engagement and why it's important for both your culture and bottom line
Success with Academy
of time spent on HiFi Klubben Academy is outside of store opening hours
0 %
More mineral water sold in MASH restaurants through Top of Mind campaign
0 %
of users responded to satisfaction survey through Keolis Academy in 2021
0 %
Management tool

Let Academy guide you to better management

Through the platform’s dashboards, an HR department can easily and quickly gain an overview of the organisational strengths and potentials. Which departments are outperforming and what can we learn from them? Are the strong results due to high engagement scores? It’s more than likely a contributing factor. 

Using data from Academy, HR staff and Department Heads can support where the need is greatest. Data insights are provided both as email reports and in-system statistics that track performance in real-time. See who has read messages and news posts, who has completed and passed product certifications, and how many of your employees have logged on to the platform since you updated the employee handbook. 

You can even survey employee satisfaction through questionnaires, and employees can anonymously give their opinion about the workplace. This is how we support knowledge sharing in a quantifiable way, making it easy to keep track of what’s on the agenda.

"Academy helps us to communicate, share knowledge and experience, train and educate all our employees at Brøchner Hotels in an effective and inclusive way."

– Lene Larsen, Hotel Manager at Hotel Ottilia, Brøchner Hotels

How to get started

Want to boost training, elevate your internal communications and let your employees share their expertise? Then Academy is for you. Here’s our recipe for success:

  • Appoint a dedicated project manager

It’s no secret: New systems require resources to start up. So find a passionate member of your organisation to lead – someone who has both the overview and the expertise to get things done.

  • Think ‘why’ and we’ll handle the ‘how’

We’re systems experts and know all of Academy’s tricks. But you know your organisation’s needs and challenges. You’ll get the best results when Academy is a digital reflection of your organisation.

  • Be patient – and brave

Change takes time. Be prepared that it may take some time for all employees to get fully on board with your new platform. Don’t be afraid to help them on their way, for example by shutting down old, fragmented communication channels.

Need a platform that provides oversight and insight?
Let us show you what Academy and A Close Shave can do for your organisation.
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