Eventyrsport shares knowledge across the country

With eight gazelle awards and a business in massive growth, Eventyrsport is a success story that we are proud to be part of. Eventyrsport sells everything from hiking, running and camping to scout gear – with the best guidance and service on the market. So how does Eventyrsport use A Close Shave and the Academy system to keep the business running smoothly?

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1. Operation

A part of every day

Eventyrsport employees use Academy daily. Users can access product information, employee handbooks, training courses and the combined knowledge of their colleagues across the country. At the same time, managers and head office can share information to everyone, or to a select few – as needed.

Managers can also create events in the calendar and get correct participant lists and follow up with the participants.

One of the most important functions for the knowledge-hungry adventurers is the Forum:

"Our forum on Academy gives all employees the opportunity to ask questions, whether you are a new part-time employee or a seasoned store manager. Colleagues are quick to help, and the distance between the floor and head office has decreased, as our director also actively participates in the knowledge sharing.”

– Kenneth Rosenbech, Regional Manager and Learning & Development Manager, Eventyrsport

With an enormous product catalog, there can be typos on the website, incorrect deliveries and other operational challenges in everyday life. But with so many sharp eyes and a knowledge-sharing channel at your fingertips, the problems are quickly solved:

"With over 350 employees, all of whom are passionate about outdoor life and our products, we quickly correct minor errors and share relevant information, as everyone actively participates on Academy."

Academy is available both on mobile and on the register computers, so the answer to all kinds of questions and customer inquiries is always at hand.

You can read more about Eventyrsport here.

2. Onboarding

A head start on adventure

With 16 stores spread over all three parts of the country, there are many employees with far in between at Eventyrsport. However, it is no problem when you combine real world training with fundamental onboarding at the Academy:

"Onboarding on Academy is a really good tool to get employees off to a good start – it guides them from the start, because there is so much knowledge gathered on the system. It helps new employees read the right things at the right times, and along with reminders of real world activities employees need to complete, it's an important tool for stores when new adventurers are hired.”

– Kenneth Rosenbech, Regional Manager and Learning & Development Manager, Eventyrsport

In addition, onboarding is not just a starting point at Eventyrsport. The organised courses are also used for further training for management positions and introduction to new initiatives and product ranges.

16 stores and a head office: one system
Knowledge sharing between all stores
News directly from Purchasing and Head Office
3. Partnership

More than just a supplier

A Close Shave and Eventyrsport have grown together since the collaboration started in 2016, and we not only help with support on the Academy system, but are always ready for sparring about employee training, internal communication and campaigns.

A Close Shave therefore plans and executes campaigns for employees on Eventyrsport’s system from time to time:

"It works well and it's fun that something different happens. It's great that A Close Shave can help and be project managers on campaigns so that there is a common thread in the campaigns. It provides new insights and good fun for the employees that something completely different is happening.”

Even though everyday life is full of adventures for the company’s employees, it is important for motivation to invest in fun activities and competitions for the employees – this is what Eventyrsport does, which is one of the reasons why they use Academy and A Close Shave to ensure that both the level of knowledge and employee satisfaction is top notch.

Targeted communications to all 16 stores
Knowledge sharing and dialogue between stores and head office
Communications and feedback from stores to purchasing and back

How to get started

Want to boost training, elevate your internal communications and let your employees share their expertise? Then Academy is for you. Here’s our recipe for success:

  • Appoint a dedicated project manager

It’s no secret: New systems require resources to start up. So find a passionate member of your organisation to lead – someone who has both the overview and the expertise to get things done.

  • Think ‘why’ and we’ll handle the ‘how’

We’re systems experts and know all of Academy’s tricks. But you know your organisation’s needs and challenges. You’ll get the best results when Academy is a digital reflection of your organisation.

  • Be patient – and brave

Change takes time. Be prepared that it may take some time for all employees to get fully on board with your new platform. Don’t be afraid to help them on their way, for example by shutting down old, fragmented communication channels.

Want to optimise your most important resource?
Then invest in your people! Get in touch with us to learn more – no strings attached, just coffee.
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